Issue 4 (14) 2011



K.N. Predein

Tumen State University (Shadrinsk Branch)
82, Karla Marksa st., Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region, 641870
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The article is devoted to a six month period for the acquisition of the right of possession of a finding. The author contests the adopted point of view for this period as a preclusive one and proves that this period is a shortened “time of prescription”.

The idea of the specific distinction between the period of limitation and the time of prescription, and through this – a powerful criticism of the scientifically adopted and legally adopted so-called “general” or “abstract” limitation, is the continuance of the corresponding research by German lawyers of the middle of XIX century (Puchta, Kierilf, Savigny etc.).

A six-month period is not the period of limitation, but a term for storage and return of the lost property to the owner.

From the author’s point of view, the storage of a finding by the person who found it is keeping this thing in his household and making actions for this thing which are usual for an attentive and caring owner, i.e. a proper illegal (non-title) possession of the thing as one’s own thing. Appearing of the true owner within 6 months and compensation of the necessary keeping expenses including a remuneration for finding – is the consequences of the actions performed by the person who found the thing in the convenience of the owner, i.e. in the convenience of another person with no authority granted (articles 980, 984, 985 of the RF Civil Code).

The author insists that the meaning of the six-month period in getting the right of ownership for a finding and the meaning of the time of prescription is not in punishing the owner for neglecting and careless attitude to his property. This is true because the owner has the right to make any action to his property at his own will, if it does not contradict the law, to manage the property in any way (point 2 of article 209 of the RF Civil Code) including his refuse to own the thing by making actions which prove his distancing from the thing with no will to keep the right to hold it. A six-month period and the time of prescription correspond to the mentioned owner’s right and serve to discovering and defining the future of such property.

Keywords: lost; mislaid or abandoned property; period of time; acquisitive limitation

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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